Add a probability distributon to BAli-Phy

Each probability distribution is defined in a module for that distribution. For example, the normal distribution is defined in Probability.Distribution.Normal, which is located at haskell/Probability/Distribution/Normal.hs.

To make a new distribution mydist, you should follow these steps, using the normal distribution as a template:

  1. create a new Haskell module Probability.Distribution.MyDist in haskell/Probability/Distribution/Mydist.hs using Normal.hs as a template.
  2. create a new c++ function builtin_function_mydist_density in src/builtins/ using builtin_function_normal_density as a template.
  3. create a new c++ function builtin_function_sample_mydist in src/builtins/ using builtin_function_sample_normal as a template.
  4. [optional] create a new c++ function builtin_function_mydist_quantile in src/builtins/ using builtin_function_normal_quantile as a template.
  5. create a new JSON binding in bindings/distributions/mydist.json using bindings/distribution/normal.json as a template.

Making Haskell model that defines the distribution

For a distribution, you need to add a function that constructs a Distribution object.

name parameters = Distribution (densities parameters) (quantile parameters) (sample parameters) (range parameters)

For example, the Normal distribution is defined as:

builtin normal_density 3 "normal_density" "Distribution"
builtin normal_quantile 3 "normal_quantile" "Distribution"
builtin builtin_sample_normal 3 "sample_normal" "Distribution"
sample_normal m s = RandomStructure do_nothing modifiable_structure $ liftIO (IOAction (\state -> (state, builtin_sample_normal m s state)))
normal m s = Distribution (\x -> [normal_density m s x]) (normal_quantile m s) (sample_normal m s) realLine


The first argument to Distribution is a function that returns a list of terms which yield the density when multiplied together. In this case there is just one term.

A normal_density function takes an extra argument after the distribution parameters. For example, the normal density takes 3 arguments, so that (normal_density m s) is a function of the third argument.


A quantile function takes an extra argument after the distribution parameters. For example, the normal quantile takes 3 arguments, so that (normal_quantile m s) is a function of the third argument. The extra argument should have type double, and ranges from 0 to 1.

If the function is not univariate, or does not have a quantile functon, set the quantile function to (no_quantile "distribution name"). This will later change to use polymorphism, where only 1-dimensional functions will have a quantile attribute.

C++ sample

To construct a random sample from a C++ procedure, access the nth parameter via Args.evaluate_(n) (with an underscore) instead of Args.evaluate(n). For example:

extern "C" closure builtin_function_sample_normal(OperationArgs& Args)
    double a1 = Args.evaluate_(0).as_double();
    double a2 = Args.evaluate_(1).as_double();

    return { gaussian(a1, a2) };

C++ density

A density function should return type log_double_t.