Probabilistic Programming
BAli-Phy 4 contains a language for expressing a wide range of probabilistic models. The goals of the language are:- modularity: combine smaller models to create new larger models.
- dynamic model structure: the dependency structure of variables is not fixed.
- variable-dimension models: just specify the model, no need for reversible-jump.
- random data-structures: random objects (e.g. trees), not just random numbers.
- user-defined data types: allow users to define their own data structures.
BAli-Phy implements a universal probabilistic programming language (PPL). Universal PPLs allow inferring the number and relationship of random variables (See Ronquist et al, 2021). This differs from probabilistic graphical modeling (PGM) languages, such as Stan, BUGS, and RevBayes, where the model structure is fixed, and cannot be changed after it is initialized.
Theory: Bayesian hierarchical models as programs
A PPL allows users to write a probabilistic model in the form of a computer program. The model program draws random variables from their prior distribution, and incorporates data by calling functions to "observe" data from the data distribution. This is a natural way to write Bayesian hierarchical models.
Each time it is run, the model program will draw different values for the random variables from their prior distributions, and compute the prior probability and the likelihood of the observed data.
run | mean | sigma | log(prior) | log(likelihood) |
1 | 3.000849912 | 1.130289503 | -3.24195035 | -15.5905309 |
2 | 5.76676590 | 0.364175082 | -2.049752039 | -1.977179616 |
3 | ... | ... | ... | ... |
The sequence of random choices that are made during a program run is called a trace. The trace completely determines the course of a program run, and includes all the random variables that we wish to infer. If different program runs take different branches of a conditional statement, then their traces may include different random variables. In theory a model program can be written in any language that allows (i) recording the trace for a program run, and (ii) replaying the program given a trace.
Inference under the model involves sampling from the posterior distribution of program traces. The posterior probability of a trace is the product of (i) the prior probability of the trace and (ii) the likelihood of the observed data given the trace. The simplest way to approximate the posterior distribution is to run the model program many times and weight each trace by the likelihood. However, this is too inefficient in practice.
MCMC is a more efficient approach to inference. To conduct inference using MCMC, we need to be able to
- propose new program traces by modifying one or more random variables
- re-execute the model program with a modified trace
- decide whether to accept the proposed trace.
The host environment modifies model program traces to perform inference. In contrast, the model program describes distributions on data but has no concept of inference. Therefore, modifications to the model program are not controlled by the model program, and are in fact invisible to it. The host environment may also implement the model program language by running model programs inside an interpreter. The host environment operates on a different level from the model program, and may be written in a different language. In BAli-Phy, the host environment is written mostly in C++.
The naive approach to MCMC inference involves rerunning the entire model program from scratch whenever the trace changes. This is quite inefficient. BAli-Phy addresses this problem by determining which parts of the model program execution depend on random variables that have changed. Then it can rerun just the affected parts of the model program's execution, saving lots of computation time.
BAli-Phy uses Haskell as a model language. Haskell makes it possible to determine which parts of the model program execution depend on a changed random variable. This is because Haskell represents control-flow statements (such as loops and if-then statements) as functions.
We can therefore construct an execution dependency graph, which contains edges between every function output and any inputs to that function that might change. When a random variable changes, it allows us to identify the part of the graph that depends on that random variable, and re-execute it. This graph is similar to the graph of a PGM. However, unlike a PGM, the shape of the graph is not fixed, but depends on values of the random variables.
Haskell syntax
It probably helps to know that
f x
andf $ x
both mean the functionf
applied tox
let x = y
is a simple assignment (no side-effects)do...x <- y...
performs some kind of action and assigns the result to x.
The action could be random sampling, an IO operation, etc, depending on the f [x1,x2,...]
applies the functionf
to every element of the list.
The result looks like[f x1, f x2, ...]
It is used instead of for-loops.
For quick introductions to Haskell syntax you might want to take a look at the short interactive tutorial at or the quick tour of Haskell syntax.
Linear regression
Here is a short program that performs linear regression. Here the goal is to find a line f(x)=a*x+b that best predicts y[i] from x[i]. The data ys
gives y[i] at each location x[i] in xs
module LinearRegression where
import Probability
import Data.Frame
model xs ys = do
b <- prior $ normal 0 1
a <- prior $ normal 0 1
sigma <- prior $ exponential 1
let f x = b * x + a
observe ys $ independent [ normal (f x) sigma | x <- xs ]
return ["b" %=% b, "a" %=% a, "sigma" %=% sigma]
main logDir = do
xy_data <- readTable "xy.csv"
let xs = xy_data $$ "x" :: [Double]
ys = xy_data $$ "y" :: [Double]
return $ model xs ys
- sampling from a distribution looks like
b <- prior $ normal 0 1
(This specifies a prior term.) - observing data from a distribution looks like
observe data distribution
(This specifies a likelihood term.) - defining a function looks like
let f x = b*x + a
(This defines the best fit line.) - logging parameters is done by the code
return ["b" %=% b, "a" %=% a, ...]
(This writes a corresponding JSON object each MCMC iteration.)
Note that for each x
, the distribution of y(x) is normal (f x) sigma
. The term f x
is the location predicted by the best-fit line, but there is a distribution because the observed point may not fall exactly on the line.
You can find this file in bali-phy/tests/prob_prog/regression/ and run it as bali-phy -m LinearRegression.hs --iter=1000.
Tree and alignment inference
Here is a short program that infers the tree and alignment from a FASTA file given on the command line.
module Model where
import Probability
import Bio.Alignment
import Bio.Alphabet
import Bio.Sequence
import Tree
import Tree.Newick
import SModel
import IModel
import System.Environment -- for getArgs
branch_length_dist topology branch = gamma (1/2) (2/fromIntegral n) where n = numBranches topology
model seq_data = do
let taxa = getTaxa seq_data
tip_seq_lengths = getSequenceLengths seq_data
-- Tree
scale <- prior $ gamma (1/2) 2
tree <- prior $ uniformLabelledTree'' taxa branch_length_dist
-- Indel model
indel_rate <- prior $ logLaplace (-4) 0.707
mean_length <- (1 +) <$> sample (exponential 10)
let imodel = rs07 indel_rate mean_length tree
-- Substitution model
freqs <- prior $ symmetricDirichletOn ["A", "C", "G", "T"] 1
kappa1 <- prior $ logNormal 0 1
kappa2 <- prior $ logNormal 0 1
let tn93_model = tn93' dna kappa1 kappa2 freqs
-- Alignment
alignment <- prior $ phyloAlignment tree imodel scale tip_seq_lengths
-- Observation
observe seq_data $ phyloCTMC tree alignment tn93_model scale
[ "tree" %=% writeNewick tree
, "log(indel_rate)" %=% log indel_rate
, "mean_length" %=% mean_length
, "kappa1" %=% kappa1
, "kappa2" %=% kappa2
, "frequencies" %=% freqs
, "scale" %=% scale
, "|T|" %=% treeLength tree
, "scale*|T|" %=% treeLength tree * scale
, "|A|" %=% alignmentLength alignment
main logDir = do
[filename] <- getArgs
seq_data <- mkUnalignedCharacterData dna <$> load_sequences filename
return $ model seq_data
You can find this file in bali-phy/tests/prob_prog/infer_tree/1/ and run it as bali-phy -m Model.hs 5d-muscle.fasta --iter=1000.
Tree and alignment inference under a dN/dS-across-sites model
Some of the value of this framework can be seen by showing how we can do alignment inference under a more complicated substitution model. Here we have factored the substitution model and its prior out into a function gtr_m7_model
This uses a model of positive selection that (i) is based on GTR, not HKY and (ii) allows dNdS to have a Beta distribution across sites. This is based on the Haskell generated by the command
bali-phy bglobin.fasta --test --smodel '|w: gtr +> x3 +> dNdS(w)| +> m7'
module Model where
import Bio.Alignment
import Bio.Alphabet
import IModel
import MCMC
import Probability
import SModel
import SModel.Parsimony
import System.Environment
import Tree
import Tree.Newick
gtr_m7_model codons = do
let nucs = getNucleotides codons
-- GTR model parameters
sym <- sample $ symmetricDirichletOn (letter_pair_names nucs) 1
pi <- sample $ symmetricDirichletOn (getLetters nucs) 1
let posSelModel w = gtr' sym pi nucs +> x3 codons +> dNdS w
-- M7 model parameters
mu <- sample $ uniform 0 1
gamma <- sample $ beta 1 10
let m7Model = posSelModel +> m7 mu gamma 4
let loggers =
[ "gtr:sym" %=% sym
, "gtr:pi" %=% pi
, "m7:mu" %=% mu
, "m7:gamma" %=% gamma
return (m7Model, loggers)
model sequenceData = do
let taxa = getTaxa sequenceData
tree <- sample $ uniformLabelledTree taxa (gamma 0.5 (1 / fromIntegral (length taxa)))
let tlength = treeLength tree
sigma <- sample $ logLaplace (-3) 1
indelRates <- fmap (** sigma) <$> sample (iidMap (getUEdgesSet tree) (logNormal 0 1))
let indelTree = addBranchRates indelRates tree
scale <- sample $ gamma 0.5 2
addMove 2 (scaleGroupsSlice [scale] (branchLengths tree))
addMove 1 (scaleGroupsMH [scale] (branchLengths tree))
(m7_model, log_m7_model) <- gtr_m7_model (mkCodons dna (geneticCode "standard"))
rate <- sample $ logLaplace (-4) 0.707
meanLength <- sample $ shifted_exponential 10 1
let imodel = IModel.rs07 rate meanLength tree
let sequenceLengths = getSequenceLengths sequenceData
(alignment, propertiesA) <- sampleWithProps (phyloAlignment indelTree imodel scale sequenceLengths)
properties <- observe sequenceData (phyloCTMC tree alignment m7_model scale)
let alignment_length = alignmentLength alignment
let num_indels = totalNumIndels alignment
let total_length_indels = totalLengthIndels alignment
let prior_A = ln (probability propertiesA)
let anc_alignment = toFasta (prop_anc_seqs properties)
let substs = parsimony tree (unitCostMatrix (mkCodons dna standard_code)) (sequenceData, alignment)
let loggers =
[ "indelRates:sigma" %=% sigma
, "S1" %>% log_m7_model
, "rs07:rate" %=% rate
, "rs07:mean_length" %=% meanLength
, "scale" %=% scale
, "scale*|T|" %=% (scale * tlength)
, "|A|" %=% alignment_length
, "#indels" %=% num_indels
, "|indels|" %=% total_length_indels
, "#substs" %=% substs
, "prior_A" %=% prior_A
return loggers
main logDir = do
[filename] <- getArgs
sequenceData <- mkUnalignedCharacterData (mkCodons dna standard_code) <$> load_sequences filename
return $ model sequenceData
You can find this file in bali-phy/tests/prob_prog/infer_tree/m7/ and run it as bali-phy -m Model bglobin.fasta --iter=100.
Language features
The modeling language is a functional language, and uses Haskell syntax. Features currently implemented include:
- Random control flow works, allowing if-then-else and loops that depend on random variables.
- Composite Objects work, and can be used to define random data structures.
- Random numbers of random variables. Random variables can be conditionally created, without the need for reversible-jump methods.
- Lazy random variables. Infinite lists of random variables can be created. Random variables are only instantiated if they are accessed
- MCMC works, even when the number of variables is changing.
- Functions work, and can be used to define random variables.
- Modules work, and allow code to be factored in a clean manner.
- Packages work, and allow researchers to distribute their work separately from the BAli-Phy architecture.
- Optimization works, and speeds up the model code via techniques such as inlining.
- Recursive random variables. Random processes on trees that are not known in advance.
- JSON logging. This enables logging inferred parameters when their dimension and number is not fixed.
- Type system. Enable polymorphism and useful error messages.
These features have experimental status, and are expected to be stabilized by mid 2025:
- Time Trees and the relaxed clock. Rooted trees implemented as a data structure within the language.
- Non-reversible markov models. Non-reversible rate matrices and branch-heterogeneous models.